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Opting Out Contacts

How to opt out an individual

Occasionally, a subscriber will email you directly and ask you to opt them out, rather than using the opt-out link provided in the footer of your mailing. In such cases, it’s your responsibility to honor such requests before any additional mailings go out.

  1. From the main Audience page, use the search box in the upper-right corner to locate the contact’s email address.
  2. Choose View contact record from the options menu beside the contact’s name.
  3. Change the mailing status from Active to Opt-out, and Save.

How to opt out en masse

You can easily import or mark a larger group of people as opted out, which is helpful if you’re coming to us from another service or have a list of people marked as “unsubscribe” in your own database.
  1. Start by importing your list of email addresses into its own audience group. (If they’re already in your audience, just copy them to their own group.)
  2. Use the Actions drop-down at the top of the audience list and select “change status of all”.
  3. Click change their status to switch their status from Active to Opt-out.

Helpful tip

We will remember your contacts’ opt-out status even if you delete those contacts and import them again later. This helps you stay compliant with the CAN-SPAM law that governs commercial email, so it’s important to use the opt-out feature to manage your unsubscribe lists instead of just deleting them.