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Compare mailings


Hopefully, you're already aware that you can easily export a single mailing response to excel, but did you know that you can also compare the response numbers from multiple sent mailings?

You can access the Compare Mailings feature by clicking the Compare mailings button at the top of your Response page.

Or, after you've selected to view a particular mailing, you can also click the Compare mailings button at the top-right. 

On the next screen, check mailings from the list, and click Compare mailings. You can use the date filter and the search bar to limit mailings displayed by date range or name. 

Once you've selected your mailings, you have three summary options to download: Performance summary, Click summary and Classic summary.


The Excel spreadsheets will show a breakdown of the response statistics for the mailings you select, as well as a summary of all the numbers combined.

Note: If you select more than five mailings, the Classic summary will not be available for selection. You may select up to 150 mailings for the Performance summary and Click summary reports. 

Helpful Tip

Remember that each mailing's response is available for 18 months, and then the data is deleted and no longer available. Make sure to export any data that you'd like to save indefinitely.