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Automated Birthday Campaign

An automated Birthday Campaign will afford your Frankie account the ability to deliver a timely Birthday message to your members. This campaign can be configured to be sent to on the actual day of the contact's birth date.

Creating a Birthday Campaign

Selecting a Template

The first step to creating a Birthday Campaign is to select a template to create the campaign. Using the Drag and Drop Editor you can create a fully customized campaign that suits your club's needs. 

Should you desire something pre-built, there are also some example templates designed by us and some that are native to the Frankie Gallery.

Using an Example Template

Click on one of the Examples from the menu on the right. If you're interested in utilizing one of these templates please contact our Support Team to have this added to your Frankie account.

Choosing a Gallery Template

Select one of the pre-built Templates from the gallery. All gallery templates are fully customizable utilizing the drag and drop editor and can also be saved as a template should you wish to use it for another campaign. For more information on the gallery of templates click on the Learn More below.

Creating a Campaign

As mentioned earlier, we have provided example templates that can be used to create the Birthday Campaign. If you choose to use your own template please review the available personalization options we recommend to add to your template.

Utilizing an Example Template

If you choose to utilize one of the Example Templates, we have incorporated a number of personalization options that will populate the Birthday Campaign for each of your contacts. If some of the data specified does not pertain to your membership or you choose not to include these fields, feel free to remove that particular personalization from the content.

Birthday Campaign Example #1

In the main content area the following personalized fields were included:

  • Date
  • First Name

As these personalized fields were added as separate content blocks within the template, you can remove and add the content blocks as you wish.

Lastly this template includes the app buttons for both Android and iOS. If your club has the Premium or Clubhouse Online app you can provide the links to both App stores so your members can download your clubs app.

Utilizing a Gallery Template

If you choose to use a Gallery Template and customize it on your own, you can add the personalization codes to the template. The codes that could be used for the template are:

  • First Name: [% member:first_name default="" %]
  • Last Name: [% member:last_name default="" %]
  • Date(Month): [% date:month %] -
  • Date(Day): [% date:day %]
  • Date(Year): [% date:year %]

Scheduling Delivery

Once a Campaign has been created, it's now time to schedule the Birthday Campaign for delivery. The idea for this campaign is to have it sent on the contact's birthday each year. In order to schedule this Campaign, we will be configuring an Automated Workflow.

To configure the workflow, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. ​Click on the Automation menu.
  2. Enter in a Workflow Name
    • Ex. Automated Birthday Campaign
  1. In the Audience field, leave the option Any Contact in my audience selected and click on confirm.
  1. In the Trigger Event field, select the Date-based Trigger Type and click on next. (Note: This sends at midnight Pacific Time)
  1. Select the Birthdate raw (CCYYMMDD) date field and click next.
  1. Under Trigger Settings, select the Every year on the anniversary of this date (birthdays, anniversaries, etc.) option and click next.

You will be presented with a review of the Trigger Settings that were configured. If you are satisfied with the settings chosen, click confirm to continue. If you would like to make changes to the trigger settings, click on the Previous button to go back.

Now that the desired Audience and Trigger settings have been configured, the action the workflow should initiate can be stated.

  1. Click on the ''+" below workflow statement and then select Send Mailing.
  1. From the Mailing dropdown, select the Birthday Campaign you created earlier.

This will bring you to the Email Details of the campaign. Enter in the following information

  • From - This is individual's name or organization's name that is sending the campaign.
  • From Address - This is the email address that the campaign is being sent from.

Note: If you choose not to use the default mailing address displayed, you must ensure you use another e-mail address on the same domain name. i.e. If your default mailing address was an alternate e-mail must be used from the * domain. It is also not recommended to use an e-mail address that starts with info, admin, reception, frontdesk etc... as these are auto-triggers for email providers to mark your campaigns as SPAM.

  • Set a separate reply-to email address - The address that all replies to this campaign will be sent to. This address must be different than the actual From address.

Note: This address does not fall under the same guidelines as the from address as most SPAM filters are not as stringent on the reply-to address as they are on the From address.

  • Subject - This is the Subject line of your campaign.

Note: If you would like to further personalize your campaign, you can use the First Name personalization code here as well. i.e. [% member:first_name default="Member" %]

Once you are satisfied with the email details click on Save & Publish button to be brought back to the Automation setup window.

That was the last step for configuring the Workflow. To activate the workflow, click on the inactive toggle, it will now say Active and become green. Click on Save Workflow.