User Permission Levels
There are also permission levels which you can set for your users:
- Administrator
- Full
- Editor
- Author
- Response only
Administrators have access to all the features of an account, including the ability to manage API keys, export audience data, and manage other users.
The level of access for different permission levels varies based on your account type:
Permission Level
Has Access to:
Does not have access to:
- Add team members
- Edit permission levels
- Export audience data
- Access responses
- Create and Send Mailings
- Create and send mailings
- Access the Audience section
- Access responses
- Add team members
- Edit permission levels
- Export audience data
- Create and edit mailings
- Access the Audience section
- Access responses
- Send mailings
- Add team members
- Edit permission levels
- Export audience data.
- Create and edit mailings
- Access responses
- Send mailings
- Add team memberse
- Edit permission levelse
- Cannot access the audience
- Export audience data
Response Only
- Create or send mailings
- Add team members
- Edit permission levels
- Export audience data.
You'll want to be sure to coordinate with the other users of your account to ensure you don't have more than one person in the same campaign at a time. Emma's editor is set up to automatically save your work as you go and if multiple users are working in the same campaign at once, they may unintentionally clear out each other's work.