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Trigger events: field change

There are five available trigger types when using automation: signupdate-basedlink click, and field change. A field change event triggers when the data within a field in a contact's record is updated.

What kinds of updates will trigger field change workflows?

Field change triggers will fire automatically for any update that’s made to an existing contact record. You can edit individual contact records in the application, and contacts can update their records themselves via the Manage Preferences menu that’s linked in the footer of most emails. You can also connect Emma with other systems in ways that update individual contact records one at a time.

Existing contact records can also be updated in bulk. Most commonly, this is done using the import tool to upload spreadsheet files directly in your account. It is also possible to update contact records in bulk using the “add members” API call in an integration. This is a popular way to connect platforms, as it enables users to create relatively simple integrations that sync data in bulk once every 24 hours. Either way, you must specify when you want a bulk update to trigger field change workflows: In the Import section, this is done by checking the box on Step 1 of the import process.

Choose the field & change that you want to use in your automation:

Text fields can trigger based on changes from and to values with the following operators:

  • Does not contain
  • Contains
  • Does not equal
  • Equals
  • Anything (any value)

Numeric fields can trigger based on changes from and to values with the following operators:  

  • Anything
  • Equals
  • Does not equal
  • Greater than
  • Greater than or equal to
  • Less than
  • Less than or equal to

Radio and Drop down fields can trigger based on changes from and to any values contained within the options for those fields, including changing from “empty” to populated.